Paula Toledo Palomino, Taciana Pontual Falcão, Rodrigo Medeiros, Misa Uehara, Ibsen Mateus Bittencourt, Rafael Ferreira

Paper published at WAPLA 2022

The graphical treatment of data reveals information contained in raw data, facilitating comprehension and production of knowledge. There is a growing interest in data in the field of education, aiming at improving the quality of education systems. In particular, there are several platforms with data related to the National Education Plan (PNE), facilitating the monitoring of the goals established by Brazilian law. In this article, we present an analysis, focused onthe goals of PNE, of platforms with educational data. The analysis revealed that a solution is still needed that provides personalized views according to the needs of user profiles, and effective and accessible support for decision-making by educational managers.

Palomino, P., Falcao, T. P., Medeiros, R., Uehara, M., Bittencourt, I., & Mello, R. F. (2022, November). Plataformas de Dados Educacionais: Análise com Foco no Plano Nacional de Educaçao. In Anais do I Workshop de Aplicações Práticas de Learning Analytics em Instituições de Ensino no Brasil (pp. 60-68). SBC.

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